MoCo Arts Policies

Cell Phones & Electronic Devices

Theatre Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy:

There is no cell phone or electronic device usage allowed in the theatres at any time. Students may have cell phones and/or electronic devices in their possession; however, the cell phone and/or electronic device must be powered off. If heard or seen, the cell phone and/or device(s) will be confiscated. Confiscated devices will be returned at the end of the session directly to the student if the student is in high school. Confiscated devices will be returned to the parents of middle and elementary school students. Use of gaming and/or music devices or anything that plugs your child in and tunes them out is prohibited. If a student must contact their parent or guardian, they must request permission from the Volunteer Coordinators, or from the volunteers at the check-in table before using their phone. If/when permission is given, the student must go to the check-in table to use their phone.

In addition to confiscating phones and/or electronic devices, MoCo reserves the right to take any such further and additional action that may be needed to bring about the cessation of the misconduct, at our discretion.

We understand that students may want to take photos of their friends while at the theatre on performance day. Cell phones and electronic devices may be used for this purpose in between and following performances in the theatre lobby only. At no time is it permissible for students to take photos in the dressing rooms or bathrooms.

Studio Cell Phone Policy:

There are no cell phones or electronic devices allowed in the dressing rooms, bathrooms or inside the studios. Students may have cell phones and/or electronic devices in their possession; however, the cell phone and/or electronic device must be powered off. If phones or devices are heard or seen in the dressing rooms, bathrooms or inside the studios, they will be confiscated. Confiscated devices will be returned at the end of the session directly to the student if the student is in high school. Confiscated devices will be returned to the parents of middle and elementary school students. If a student would like to record video of the choreography during class, the student must receive permission from the teacher.

Students may use their phone or device between classes, if they have time, so long as they are in the lobby, hallways or green room.  However, there are no cell phones or electronic devices allowed in the green room during performances. The green room defaults to theatre rules during performances.

In addition to confiscating phones and/or electronic devices, MoCo reserves the right to take any such further and additional action that may be needed to bring about the cessation of the misconduct, at our discretion.

Pricing & Programs

Registrations: When you register for a class, you are committing to attend that class for the entire time period specified. The full class price will be charged for students within the first 30 days.  After 30 days, the registration will be prorated based on the drop-in rate for that class.  All registrations include a non-refundable $25 registration fee (fee included in cost of class). For classes that run for 8 weeks or less, the full tuition will be charged regardless of enrollment date.

Liability: All MoCo Arts students, regardless of age, are required to sign a Liability Release form prior to starting classes.  If a student is under 18 years old, their parent or legal guardian must sign the form. Without a signed Liability Release form, students will not be allowed to participate in class.

Drop-In: Students who cannot commit to a full class registration may choose to drop-in to a class, if drops-ins are allowed by the Program Director.  A drop-in rate will be charged to the student.  Many dance and theatre classes build from week to week, and do not allow drop-ins.  This option is popular with our Young Arts families, and Theatre Workshops.

Unlimited Dance Package: Students may attend as many dance classes as they want for the specified time period for a discounted price. The student is expected to note which weekly classes they will attend (classes require teacher placement.)

Adult Dance Classes: Adult dance classes run in half-semester sessions offering flexibility but still honoring the need for commitment.

Ages: Students from 6 months through 1st grade are eligible for classes in our Young Arts program.  Students in 2nd grade may choose to stay in Young Arts for one more year, or move on to our Dance and Theatre programs.  In Theatre, students in grades 2 through 5 participate in our Elementary Theatre, students in grades 6 through 8 participate in Middle School Theatre, and students in grades 9 through 12 participate in High School Theatre.  MoCo Arts dance staff will determine the appropriate class level for each student in the dance program. Placement is based on the individual skills of each student.

Camps: Camps are held during school vacations and over the summer in one-week sessions. Campers are asked to commit to attending camp for the entire session for which they’ve registered. Attendance at any of the camps at MoCo requires pre-registration. There are no drop-ins during camp.

Multi-Program Package: 5% discount is given to any student who signs up for more than one program (ie. Dance & Theatre). This does not apply to the Unlimited Dance package.

Tuition Assistance
MoCo Arts believes that all students should have the opportunity to experience the arts. To that end, we offer tuition assistance for all classes and camps. The funds are limited and allocated for different times of the year. Families interested in tuition assistance must submit a signed, completed MoCo Arts Tuition Assistance Application, proof of need, and a copy of the applicant’s or the applicant’s parent/guardian’s two most recent paystubs (List of required documents available on application). All documents must be received by the application deadline (see dates below).

Assistance will be based on the financial need of the applicant and will not exceed 70% of tuition. Assistance will be given based on a percentage of the total cost of the classes the applicant is signing up for. The applicant (or parent/guardian) agrees to pay the balance of the charges. The non-refundable registration fee of $25 is required at the time of application. This will be applied to the tuition charge.

For students who receive tuition assistance, adherence to an attendance policy, similar to that of the performance attendance policy, will be expected of the student.  The student may only miss 4 classes per semester for each class they received tuition assistance for.  For camps, the student is expected to be present for all days you have signed up for.  If a student does not meet this attendance requirement, they will not be considered for tuition assistance the next semester, or for one year if a camp is missed.

Deadlines for Tuition Assistance Applications:

  • Fall Programs: August 15
  • Spring Programs: December 15
  • Summer Programs: May 15

Applications will be accepted up to the deadline. We make every effort to send the Notification of Awards within one week. Applications received after the deadline will be assessed by the Review Committee with no guarantee of award, subject to the availability of funds.

Payments & Refunds

Payment Terms: Payment in full, or setup of a payment plan is required upon registration. For the convenience of our students and families we offer a payment plan to spread the cost of tuition over the length of the semester. Payment plans may be set up as a monthly payment on the 1st or 20th of each month. Payments can be made by automatically charging a credit or debit card [Visa, Master Card, Discover] or by providing post-dated checks at the time of registration to the Front Desk Staff. Payment plans will incur an additional monthly cost of $2.50 per payment, charged in advance with the first payment. Accounts must be in good standing to be considered for tuition assistance. Student’s accounts must be in good standing in order to register for the next semester (or session) of classes and to participate in a performance.

Returned Check Fee: A $25 charge will be added to any account for a returned check or refused auto pay.

Refund Policy**: All requests for refunds must be in writing by filling out a Refund Request Form. Completed Refund Request Forms can be mailed to: MoCo Arts, 40 Roxbury Street, Keene NH 03431. The refund form is available at the front desk, or online at on the ‘Parents Page’. For the purpose of calculating the refund, the time stamp or postmark will be used.

Dance, Theatre, or Young Arts Class Refund: If cancelling within 30 days of the start of the semester the refund will be prorated (at the drop-in rate) for all classes that occurred before the request is received, regardless of attendance. The $25 non-refundable registration fee will not be returned. After 30 days no refund will be given.

Unlimited Dance Refund: The refund will be prorated based on the amount of time that has elapsed between the first class taken as a part of the package and the date the Refund Request Form is submitted, regardless of attendance. Refunds for Unlimited Dance packages will be assessed a 5% cancellation fee. 

Camp Refund: Refunds for camps requested prior to four weeks from the start date will be refunded at full price.  Refunds requested between four and two weeks prior to the start date will be refunded at 50% the cost.  Within two weeks of the start date, no refund will be given.  Payment plans will stay in effect if within four weeks. The $25 non-refundable registration fee will not be refunded regardless of date.

Performance & Ticketing

Performances: MoCo Arts’ mission is about education. Performances are a byproduct of the educational process. No student is required to perform.  Students must be registered for a class to be eligible to perform. Students in Dance classes will be asked to sign a commitment letter if they wish to perform. This commitment letter will outline the dates of additional rehearsals and performances. A student will be expected to attend all of the additional mandatory rehearsals and performances listed in the commitment letter. Parents must review the dates with family and double-check school obligations before signing the commitment letter. If a conflict arises after the commitment letter is signed, the Program Director should be notified immediately. MoCo Arts tries to work around school commitments, but reserves the right to remove a student from a show if they do not attend the rehearsals as required.

Attendance: If a student misses more than 4 classes they will not be able to perform. When a student misses their fifth class, the student will be notified that they have been taken out of the performance for that class only. Ballet E Rep, Modern E Rep and Pointe C are allowed 6 absences, as they meet twice each week. Each class is separate and we will look at them each individually when assessing a student’s absenteeism. Students are required to attend all rehearsals and performances that are scheduled to take place in the theatre. If a student misses a theatre rehearsal, they will be taken out of the show. Attendance policies are subject to change depending on the production. Students will be notified of any changes to the attendance policy. This attendance policy does not apply to children participating in Young Arts programs.

Students will be considered absent if:

  • Class meets for 45 min: You will be marked absent if you miss more than 15 minutes of class.
  • Class meets for 1 hour: You will be marked absent if you miss more than 20 minutes of class.
  • Class meets for 1½ hours: You will be marked absent if you miss more than 30 minutes of class.

Tickets: Parents and other attendees are responsible for purchasing tickets to MoCo Arts performances in advance. MoCo Arts makes no guarantee that performances will not sell out. Tickets may be purchased at MoCo Arts for performances in The Founder’s Theatre. Tickets to some off-site venues must be purchased directly from the venue. Tickets are non-refundable and there are no exchanges. For shows at the Redfern all audience members, regardless of age, need to have a ticket. For shows in The Founder’s Theatre at MoCo Arts, children under 18 months may be held in a parent’s lap. All others entering the theatre must have a ticket. Food and drinks are prohibited in all theatres.

Photo/Video Policy: Video cameras, monopods, tripods, flash equipment of any kind, audio recording devices and cameras with telephoto or zoom lenses, including SLR’s, are not permitted inside the studios, The Founder’s Theatre at MoCo Arts, Redfern Arts Center, or any other performance space at any time. We also ask that parents and other onlookers do not take photos or video through the windows of the studios. Taking photos during rehearsals and/or events is distracting not only to the performers, but to your fellow patrons. This policy will be strictly enforced.

Under special permission by MoCo Arts, simple cameras for personal use only may be brought into The Founder’s Theatre. If granted, this special permission will be advertised on signs at the entrances to the venue.

Non-Ticketed Events: Due to fire code regulations we cannot guarantee seating to all visitors at non-ticketed events. We will do our best to accommodate as many visitors as possible and will notify you in advance of any audience restrictions to these events. Once the show has started, late seating is at the discretion of the manager. 

Policies Specific to The Founder’s Theatre at MoCo Arts
– Late seating is at the discretion of the manager.
– Tickets are required for all audience members over 18 months old.
– Un-ticketed children 18 months and younger must be held in laps.
– No infant carriers or strollers are permitted in the theatre.


Parking & Student Pick-Up/Drop-Off: MoCo has limited on site parking spaces available for use by students, families, and staff. Additionally, drop-off and pick-up lanes wrap around behind the building, allowing cars to wait safely off the street. The left lane is for drop-off and pick-up only. No drop-off or pick-up is allowed on Roxbury Street. Do not block through traffic on Roxbury Street at any time. After 5pm on weekdays, and on weekends the parking garages around MoCo have unreserved parking spaces that are available for use. Please do not park in reserved spaces inside any of the parking garages. Free and metered spots are also available on the neighboring streets, along with metered spots in nearby parking garages. Click here to view our guide to Parking in Downtown Keene.

Safety, Etiquette, Class Cancellation

Behavior & Safety: Young Arts students and siblings must be supervised at all times when not in class. MoCo Arts is not responsible for students or siblings left in the waiting area. All parents, students, siblings, etc., must execute good behavior in the dressing rooms and waiting area. No loud talking, running, or rude behavior will be tolerated. The studios are for classes only and children are not allowed in them without an instructor present, except by permission of said instructor. Any student who does not respect the teachers and the studio guidelines may be dismissed from the program, with no refunds given.

Open Door: We are a family centered arts education organization. Parents, guardians and students are welcome to speak to MoCo Arts staff.

Student One-to-One aide Policy: MoCo Arts welcomes children of all abilities and circumstances to our classes and camps. Because we are not staffed to provide one-on-one care to students who may need extra assistance, we require those students who have aides assisting them in school to bring an aide with them to MoCo. Their aide can be a family member, caregiver or other individual who knows the child well and can provide the special assistance they may need to get the most out of their experience here at MoCo. MoCo retains the right to request an aide for children who need additional assistance in class or during camp. Please contact us with any questions or to discuss your child’s special circumstances.

Classroom Etiquette: All students are required to sign-in to class upon entering the studio. Students in Young Arts classes do not need to sign in; the instructor will take attendance at the beginning of each class. Cell phones and wireless devices must be turned off during class. No food or drinks, except closable water containers are allowed in the studios. Be sure to wear proper attire for your class. No street-shoes are allowed in the studios; only class-specific footwear (tap shoes, pointe shoes, etc.) or bare feet are permissible. For detailed dress code requirements, please refer to the dress code section of the School of Dance Program, Theatre Program, and Young Arts Program.

Personal Belongings: MoCo Arts is not responsible for personal items left in the dressing rooms or elsewhere in our facilities. If you are concerned with the safety of your belongings, bring your bag into the classroom with you and leave valuables at home.

Class Cancellation Due to Weather: In the case of inclement weather, MoCo Arts will announce by 7:00 am the status of morning classes and by 1:00 pm the status of afternoon/evening classes. Cancellation of area schools does NOT mean classes are cancelled. If classes are cancelled, it will be on MoCo Arts answering machine (603-357-2100), website, MoCo’s Facebook Page, and on radio stations WKNE, WINQ, and WKBK as well as the WKNE website. Cancellations emails are sent out to the email listed on the student registration form, and optional text alerts are available if you opt in on the student registration form. We do NOT contact students individually when cancelling for inclement weather. We ask that you exercise your best judgment when making decisions to attend classes in stormy weather.

Other Class Cancellation: In the event that classes are cancelled for reasons other than weather, students in these effected classes will be notified directly via email. You will also be notified via text message, if you have opted in for text alerts on the student registration form.

Policies are subject to change without notice
Updated March 2022

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