Take a Look Inside MoCo’s Costume Shop

Costumes. These garments play a big role in each MoCo Arts production. They help set the time and place of a performance with their colors, cuts, fabrics, and styles. At MoCo the costumes are put together by a talented team who make hundreds of costumes for MoCo Arts each season.


These tunics were all made especially for this performance of ‘The Wild Swans’.


As part of MoCo’s mission to stay accessible to all, students are never asked to purchase their costumes. They are provided for each student at no cost.

Over the years MoCo has accumulated an impressive collection of dance and theatre costumes. Shelves line the walls of a storage unit filled with bins and boxes of tutus, head pieces, shirts, leotards, and accessories. This means that for any given show the team can pull from an existing stock and modify as needed.


A rack full of costumes from recent dance performances. Recognize anything?


More costumes!


Each student is measured at the beginning of a production period. The team then designs, cuts, sews, and assembles each costume, custom to each child. These range anywhere from snake charmers, to billy goats, to forest animals, to Mrs. Potts!

Costuming7Student Georgia Gempler being measured by Jazmine Carroll in preparation for ‘Beauty and the Beast’.
Costuming4Mrs. Potts, the Wardrobe, and a host of other castle characters were all made by hand.


Did you know? For the upcoming production of The Jungle Book by the School of Dance there will be an estimated 600 costumes?

Thank you to the incredible costuming team at MoCo Arts for their hard work!


Three Billy Goats and the Troll looking great in Storytime Theatre.

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